Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Control your emotion with spirituality

Every person in this world is emotional. Everyone is connected with other with some emotion whether it is hate or love. Happiness, sadness, love, hate, anger, joy and sorrow these all are kind of human emotion. Human being cannot control their feelings. Have you ever analyzed that these emotions are the real cause of your all problems? Whether the emotion is happy or angry, love or hate the person has to face problems due to these emotions. Just analyze it with this situation and understand how emotion creates problems. You love your girlfriend too much and she is not interested in you rather she is indulging with another person, definitely you will feel bad. So love is also a bad emotion. In another example if you cannot control your anger and in anger you hurt any of your beloved which can leads to any mishap. Certainly it is also not good for your future.
 Now question arises, whether these emotions are appalling for us? If yes then how can we control our emotions? The answer of first question is no, emotions are not bad for us as these are part of every human life. But excess and overload of emotion is dangerous for anyone. Now answer of second question is spirituality. A spiritual awaken person can control his emotions. He always becomes a calm person. He can control his emotions whether he is in cheerful or miserable mood. Due to this emotional control he can make his life simple. Spirituality helps us to release our all emotional doubt.
Spirituality is an awakening procedure of our inner consciousness. It is a process of mind empowerment. Spirituality gives us an inner sense to differentiate between right or wrong. It helps many people in their daily life. Spirituality takes us to the new world of self belief. It is a science to increase our energy level. Spirituality can be achieved by meditation. Meditation is a method by which we can achieve spiritual awakening in a very short time. By spirituality we can learn how to communicate with other with deeper understanding of people and nature. Spirituality generates a kind of power in us by using this power we can tackle with any of the situation.
Eric Pepin world renowned psychic and metaphysical teacher can shows you the secrets of spiritual life. His scientific methods to find out the myth behind the spirituality, aura and sixth sense can take you to the new world. He has also sound knowledge in women health. In higher balance institute we can learn seven secrets of our body which is also known as chakras or focus points. With higher balance you will experience an energy and vibration. Life becomes more fantastic with find out the missing sense. You will feel a kind of music around you.
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